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General Donation – Share love and bring hope to all vulnerable people in need




Vulnerable Groups

Fundraising Target


Fundraising Period

1 April 2024 - 30 September 2024

Hong Kong Red Cross dedicates to "Protect human life, Care for the Health of the vulnerable and Respect human dignity". Your gift enables us provide more humanitarian services to the people in need.


“I didn’t have high expectations on finding my father. I thought it was an impossible mission, but wanted to give it a try. So when I was informed of the news by the Red Cross staff, I couldn’t believe it - it was so unreal. I burst out crying. I felt like I was dreaming at that moment, but the dream has come true.” --- Silky


When Silky was seven, her mother took her away from home one day. Since then, she has not had chance

 to see her father again. Even she missed her father so much, she could not mention “father”, as her mother will get angry about that. Overtime, “father” became a taboo in her family.


After losing contact with her father for over 30 years, it became a long-hidden knot in Silky’s heart. For many years, she avoided talking about her fathter, even avoid goinging out on father’s day. She understood that her life wouldn’t be complete if she couldn’t reunite with her father. So she took the advice of her relatives to contact the Hong Kong Red Cross Tracing Service for help. Thanks to the efforts of the Red Cross staff, the father and daughter finally reunited and were able to celebrated their first Father’s day after separating for 33 years.


The Hong Kong Red Cross never stop responding and providing a variety service to the vulnerable. Your contribution will bring a positive impact to more families in need, such as long lost relatives, children with special need. Please helps us continue to carry out our humanitarian services, help more people and families in need and give them blessings.